Friday, June 5, 2009

Free parking in the summer

Just a reminder that there is free visitor parking available in the summertime in the Nenana West and Taku East parking lots. The lots are 4F and 8C on the campus map.

People attending classes, faculty, staff and students are required to have a decal or permit to park on campus. Permits may be purchased from either the Parking Services office at 1855 Marika Drive or 111 Eielson or any one of the eight kiosks. A permit from the parking kiosk allows parking in any of the over 30 yellow or purple lots shown on the campus map.

1 comment:

  1. The fee structure for parking of part time instructors should be based on the number of credits they teach. An instructor who teaches 3-6 credits a year is charged the same as a one who teaches 15 credits a year, plus 3 credits in the summer. It doesn't seem fair.
