Friday, June 26, 2009

Minutes from 6/19 meeting

The minutes from the June 19 meeting can be found by clicking here.

Upcoming parking meetings

The Parking Advisory Committee will be holding meetings in July as follows:

Wednesday, July 8 @1:30p.m.
Location: Wood Center Conference Room 

Wednesday, July 22 @ 9a.m.
Location: TBA

The first half hour of each meeting will be set aside for public comment.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Minutes from the 6/4 meeting

The minutes from the June 4 meeting can be found here.

Aerials of campus parking lot (2 of 2)

Having a hard time finding a parking space on campus? Maybe try Sunday morning. See if you can guess how many parking spaces UAF has by participating in the quiz to the right.

Aerials of campus parking lot (1 of 2)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Free parking in the summer

Just a reminder that there is free visitor parking available in the summertime in the Nenana West and Taku East parking lots. The lots are 4F and 8C on the campus map.

People attending classes, faculty, staff and students are required to have a decal or permit to park on campus. Permits may be purchased from either the Parking Services office at 1855 Marika Drive or 111 Eielson or any one of the eight kiosks. A permit from the parking kiosk allows parking in any of the over 30 yellow or purple lots shown on the campus map.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Parking rates

A .pdf file showing the parking rates for UAF as well as for UAA and Washington State can be found here. The rates will be discussed at the 6/4 parking committee meeting.

Priority List

Below are the top five parking "priorities" the committee will be reviewing and making recommendations on in the weeks/months to come:

1. Permit prices/higher charges for high demand areas/faculty, staff and student rates
2. Event parking/visitor and community member parking/volunteer parking
3. Authorized official spaces
4. Gold lots vs. non-gold lots
5. Enforcement/Evening enforcement

The committee will also be reviewing issues that are included on the list to the right.

Parking meeting on 6/4

The parking committee will be having a public meeting on June 4, from 1-3p.m. in Wood Center Conference Room E/F. Agenda is below, and minutes will be posted once available.

I. Welcome

II. Review of priority list

III. Review/discussion of pricing system/charges

A. Permit prices
B. Faculty/staff rates
C. Student parking rates

IV. Committee member comments

V. Next meeting/adjournment